

    Press release


    推荐买球平台 Coffee, part of 推荐买球平台 Food Ingredients (OFI), has developed a range of coffee cherry cascara products as a key ingredient for beverage infusions and concentrates across multiple applications, from ice teas to nutrition bars, to meet the growing trend for healthy indulgence.

    Cascara – translated from Spanish as 'husk' - is the pulp and skin of the coffee cherry fruit. Its flavour is very different from coffee, 常被描述为甜而果香,带有樱桃的味道, 葡萄干, and even caramel. 咖啡农多年来一直用它来泡茶, but it is typically regarded as an unusable by-product by the coffee industry and composted for use as crop fertiliser, or discarded altogether.

    今天, t在这里 is a growing awareness of cascara as a sustainable superfood due to its unique flavour and perceived health benefits, with several times the antioxidants of blueberries, 巴西莓, pomegranate and other known superfruits.1 除了, 生物活性食品化合物,如多酚和绿原酸, which are present in coffee cherry cascara, 是否有潜力帮助肥胖患者. 咖啡因的含量也比咖啡低得多.2

    “T在这里 is also the environmental benefit of utilising the skin and pulp that’s otherwise discarded as a bi-product in the primary processing stage”

    推荐买球平台咖啡创新副总裁Siva Subramanian说.

    “And as demand for this superfruit grows, 对卡斯卡拉进行升级回收将为更多的咖啡农提供额外的收入来源.”


    推荐买球平台咖啡目前从其在巴西的单一庄园咖啡种植园采购卡斯卡拉, 老挝, 坦桑尼亚 and 赞比亚, with integrated processing capabilities, which provide a year-round certified3 优质卡斯卡拉的供应可以追溯到特定的街区. 他们的团队已经进行了多次“壳”和“纸浆”卡斯卡拉生产试验, experimenting with coffee varieties, cherry ripeness and harvesting and processing techniques to define suitability for specific food ingredient applications, such as teas or 自然 confectionery flavourings.

    有两种主要的加工方法可以产生不同的风味. During the wet processing method, 果肉被收集起来,在一个受控制的环境中,在凸起的床上慢慢地干燥. The resulting ‘pulped’ cascara, 有一个更甜的, fruitier flavour and deeper colour than the ‘husk’ variety – produced using the dry or 自然 method – and lends itself well to fruit concentrate applications and extracts.

    推荐买球平台 Coffee can offer a range of cascara products, namely dry cascara for tea infusions and flour; liquid cascara concentrates for jams, 水母, dessert toppings and bakery fillings; and soluble cascara powder for use in hot and cold RTD beverages and mixes. It will also be available for nutraceutical and cosmetic use as an as antioxidant supplement. 推荐买球平台 Coffee will work with companies and brands directly to co-create bespoke cascara products.

    At their 创新 Center in Fresno, 加州, 推荐买球平台公司继续开发各种加工条件下的新卡斯卡拉产品, 与外部实验室和客户合作,以满足他们的要求.

    Food safety continues to be a primary focus and 推荐买球平台 Coffee is working with local partners and agencies to secure wide-spread use of cascara for integration in multiple applications on the market.

    Wet cascara on a drying bed inside a greenhouse

    Sample of a cascara tea infusion



    1 Certified by UTZ, Rainforest Alliance

    2 ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) score

    3 A. Heeger等人. / Food Chemistry 221 (2017) 969–975

    About 推荐买球平台 Food Ingredients

    推荐买球平台食品配料(OFI)是在推荐买球平台国际的基础上诞生的一个新的运营集团. OFI offers sustainable, 自然, value-added food products and ingredients so that consumers can enjoy the healthy and indulgent products they love. It consists of 推荐买球平台’s industry-leading businesses of Cocoa, Coffee, Edible Nuts, Spices and Dairy.

    OFI已经建立了一个独特的全球价值链,包括自己的农场, farm-gate origination and manufacturing facilities. OFI partners with customers, 利用其互补和差异化的“潮流”食品组合, to co-create solutions that anticipate and meet changing consumer preferences as demand increases for healthier food that’s traceable and sustainable.

    推荐买球平台 International is headquartered and listed in 新加坡 and currently ranks among the top 30 largest primary listed companies in terms of market capitalisation on SGX-ST.

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    Telephone: +65 63394100, Facsimile: +65 63399755.





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