News Bites

    Olam Information Services Pvt Ltd recognized a leading employer in India


    Olam Information Services Pvt Ltd (“OISL”) has been recognized as one of India’s best employers, 此外,在获得两项著名奖项后,它还被评为最适合女性的工作场所.

    The Olam International subsidiary provides Information Technology services全球业务服务和信息安全服务,为推荐买球平台的全球业务提供服务. Headquartered in Chennai, OISL has grown to incorporate the diverse talents of over 1,600 employees supporting Olam’s business and supply chains.

    OISL is amongst a select group of organizations to receive Best Employer India 2020 award from Kincentric, a human resources and management consultancy. The award recognizes the policies and approach the company is taking to engage, empower and support employees across its business.

    Additionally, OISL被《推荐买球平台》授予“2021年最佳女性工作场所”, a major English business paper in India, 其支持包容性和多样性的方法,使所有员工都能最大限度地发挥自己的才能和事业. 这包括对支持妇女参与其业务的政策和做法的承诺.

    Arvind Raj, Vice President & HR Head, OISL, says

     “推荐几个足彩外围app很荣幸获得这些荣誉,并与印度其他顶级品牌一起得到认可. These awards recognize our commitment to diversity and inclusion at Olam. 推荐几个足彩外围app正在努力确保一个开放和平等的工作场所,让每个员工都有机会和支持,以最大限度地发挥他们的才能和事业. 这是推荐几个足彩外围app持续致力于培养文化和环境的一部分,以吸引和留住最优秀的人才.”


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