
    Greater urgency and partnership are needed to kick-start a smallholder farmer recovery stuck on pause


    The tidal impact of COVID-19 has resulted in humanitarian and economic consequences that have been felt across the globe. 落实可持续发展目标取得的进展, 特别是实现无贫困和零饥饿, has been seriously hampered since the pandemic took hold over one year ago. Hard-won gains such as reducing childhood stunting actually stand to be reversed. 

    推荐买球平台公司进行的一项调查显示,400 farmers across 19 countries has shown the impact smallholder farmers have seen to their incomes, livelihoods and their communities as changes and disruptions have been felt across global food and agricultural supply chains. Read the article by 朱莉·格林, Vice President of Corporate Responsibility & 可持续发展, Agri-Pulse 阅读推荐几个足彩外围app的农民晴雨表报告 在这里.


    朱莉·格林,企业责任副总裁 & 可持续发展,推荐买球平台国际
    朱莉·格林 企业责任副总裁 & 可持续发展,推荐买球平台国际
